Texas Upscale Homes
326 9th Ave N. Texas City Tx
Texas Upscale Homes is located at 326 9th Avenue North Texas City Texas 77590. If you have a some property to sell or want to buy some real estate, just call us. If you are in a foreclosure mode then call us ASAP and let's discuss a plan to get that fixed. If you do nothing, the problem will not go away on its own. You will lose your house when it goes to auction and somebody else will own your home and you will be left with nothing. If you would like to know how much your home is worth then call us and we will do an evaluation on your home to determine what the cost is. We offer bank approved appraisals and inspections on your home, just ask. Our vision is "Upgrading homes for better living" and our Mission Statement is " to repair and enhance homes of lesser value by keeping its original charm and atmosphere through restoration and improvememnts."